A Mitchells’ Modular Solution For Volclay

The Mitchells’ modular blending plant delivers to Volclay a turnkey blending factory in Modular form. The system offered is designed to receive, blend and bag up to 10MT/hr of Bentonite and other additives to be used in making casting moulds.

Mitchells have designed the modular plant to encapsulate the equipment inside individual modules. There are some items such as cross over connections between modules and the elevators and equipment above the top module that require onsite installation. All loose supplied equipment has been pre-fitted in our factory then disassembled for shipping. Re-installation of these loose items is therefore not labor intensive. The modular blending plant design assures that all components of the plant are properly fitted and matched. The result is a plant that can be installed and brought into production within 3 – 4 weeks. Our in factory assembly and test running will also dramatically reduce the lost time associated with new plant startups.

This modular plant has been designed to be fully portable and easy to erect and disassemble. It will allow Volclay to be able to react quickly to the market and customers requirements. All Mitchells needs is a warehouse, main utilities, main electrical cable to the Mitchells supplied MCC panel and our specialized installation technicians and supervisors complete the rest.